
Become a BOARDMAN BOOSTER for 2025!


Please click the link below to join online:


Click Here: Boardman Booster Club 2025 Membership Form

See our Calendar for Upcoming Boardman Booster Club Events!

What is the Boardman Booster Club?
The Boardman Booster Club is an independent, registered 501(c) (3) non‐profit organization comprised of volunteer parents, coaches, faculty, alumni, and community members who are dedicated to providing additional resources to the athletic programs of the Boardman Local School District. We strongly believe that interscholastic athletics is an integral part of a well‐rounded education and that the positive publicity brought to the school by these programs helps create a better overall learning environment as well as a source of community spirit and pride. All proceeds of our membership drive help meet needs of the athletic programs that cannot be funded through the operating budget of the School District. All membership funds are used to purchase equipment, supplies, and make capital improvements that enhance the Boardman Local School District’s athletic programs.

The Boardman Booster Club has been involved with supporting and promoting Boardman students for over 50 years. In grades 7-12 the Boardman Schools offer participation in 24 sports, consisting of over 50 athletic teams, with over one thousand boys and girls participating each year.

For $50 per family, you can become a proud member of the Boardman Booster Club. The financial needs of our kids are vast, and with your help, we continue to raise funds for their benefit.

Please keep in mind that all students gain from our projects. We are striving to make this organization one of the best in our area. We certainly accept and appreciate any donations. Please help us grow!

Our sincere thanks,
The Boardman Booster Executive Committee


2024 Boardman Booster Member Listing – FINAL

Updated as of 12/31/2024

Alison Alvino & Matt Caldwell
Anthony & Diana Alvino
Tyler and Maria Amendola
Auck Family
Phyllis Beard
The Berezo Family
Ryan Bleggi Family
Bill Bonte
Trent & Stephanie Cailor
Brad & Sue Calhoun
Phil & Barb Carlon
Michael & Jenna Cicchillo
Ryan Cmil
Tom Costello
Yianni and Maria Coutris
Jack Cramb
Don & Kristen Dailey
Fred & Buffy Davis
Robert DeMarco, MD
William Eckert
Dr. Jim & Joyce Ellashek
Bruce & Stefanie Flyak
George & Mary Ann Flyak
Brian & Barb Fonderlin
Edd & MG Fowler
Jim Fox
David & Amber Garchar
Greg Giannios
Denise & Dan Gorski
John & Jodi Greco
Lawrence Hammerton
Jeff, Gina, Mia and Gabe Hammerton
Stacy Howlett
Scott & Michelle Hunter
Dr Bob & Jan Johnson
Armani & Greta Johnson
Sidney and Sara Johnson
Joe Joseph
Jonah Karzmer
Greg Kirchner
Michael & Ashley Krieger
Greg and Linda Krieger
Shelly LaBerto
John P. Landers
Frank and Charleen Lazzeri
Richard Macaulay – Class of 1965
Debi (Jones) Madej – BHS Class of ’86
Yasmine and Dimitri Makridis
Manzella Family
Sandra Mapus
Jim and Amy Marcella
Carmen Marinucci
Marco & Janie Marinucci
Rosa Anna Martin
James & Judy Massey
Mark & Beth (Gutierrez) McHugh
Chad & Kathy Miller
Michael Mills
Glen and Jessi Dragoiu (Moore)
Richie and Allison O’Brien
Jack & Patti Palowitz
Mark & Lynn Perencevic
Frank Petrakos, DDS
James Pollifrone
John and Carol Potter
Jay Powell
Tom and Jennifer Ramovs
Jen and Dave Rubino
Kristina & Rob Rule
Bob & Lynn Sahli
Chris & Lisa Sammartino
Stephen D. Satterfield Family
Larry Saxton
Tim and Gina Saxton
Rick and Denice Schafer
Dick Selby
Michelle Bistrica-Shelman
Don Spires
Dave & Kate Spires
Mark Starkey
Tim Storm
Kevin & Amanda Suchora
Mary Ann Tavolario
Mr. and Mrs. Preston B. Tims
Monica TouVelle
Bill & Karen Veri
Scott & Gina Viano
John & Gail Walsh
Chuck & Laurie Whitman
Colleen Wood
Roy and Lucinda Wright
John and Linda Yosay
John and Nora Yosay
Joshua J. Zarlenga
Dr. Scott & Sandi Agnew
Peggy Y. Allen
Jack Amstutz
Armburger Family
Jerry and Christine Bailey
Jeff & Erin Barone
David & Marilyn Brenner
John & Karen Chizmar
Justin, Jana, Landry and Owen Coffin
Melissa & Michael D’Altorio
Vickie Davis
James H. Davis
Teresa and Michael Deskin
Michelle Zidian-Dougherty
George & Jenn Dravecky and Family
Dam & Marianne Durkin
Don and Amy Friedrich
Mark and Lorraine Fulks
Jim Geller
John & Kim Gorski
Paul Goske
Christine & Steven Grabert
Carl and Theresa Greenaway
Jack & Charlene Hay
Robert & Debbie Hendrickson
Chuck & Lori Hillman
In Memory of Dave & Betty Marino
Lynne & Bob Jones
Katherine Kennedy
Dr. Meredith Konya
Kay (Covington) Lichak Class of ’66
George J. Limbert
Amy Lunne
Dennis & Norma Lyden
The Mechling Family
Rosalyn Miller
Edward F. Moran – In Honor Fred & Rita Moran
Marjorie Morley
JR and Marilyn Murray
Tony & Kelly Nigro
Dan & Marilyn O’Bruba
Terrance & Jan O’Halloran
Roger & Karen Patterson
Dave & Kathy Pavlansky
Joe & Laney Pinciaro
Kim Poma
Gene Pushic
Jack & Sandy Russell
Ashlee Russo
Friends of BSFEE in honor of Superintendent Tim Saxton
Jane Scott
Kimberly Scott-Cumbie
Dr. Douglas Michael Shasby
Brad & Gwen Smith
Jason Sutton
In Memory of Kenneth J. Wilson Sr.
Mike & Angel Trell
Tropea Family
John & Luella Upthegrove
The Valentini Family
Jim & Chris Viano
Alyson Vogrin-Norris
Marylynn & Tim Whetstone
Ken Wilson
Dave & Donna Wolfe
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Yarab
Andy Zetts
Ginny Amstutz
Carl & Melanie Angiuli
Barb (Bartoszek) Anthony
Georgia D. Barkett
Gail & Joe Bartholomew
Steve & Patty Basic
Tom & Jenefer Basista
Tom and Laura Basista
David Beede
Patrick & Alyssa Birch
Chuck & Katherine Bobosky
Tom Bodnovich
Anne Bott
Terri Jones Bragdon
Bruce & Carol Breunig
Laura Davis Burke
Martin and Catherine Cala
Mike & Terri Calautti
Mildred Campean
Vincent Carnevale
Judith Catalano
Pete & Debbie Chick
Nick and Nadine Colla
Tim Cooper
Carlo & Jamie Cordon
John Corey
Bill & Edie Davidson
Tom Davis
Chelsea DeAngelo
John DePietro
Carol Gribben deSaulles
George Donie
William & April Dornan
Dan & Maria Dougherty
Carolyn Ebie
Jennifer Feret-Brear
Ed & Lori Filicky
Michael and Jaclyn Finamore
John & Lisa Flauto
Kelly Becker
Jack & Linda Gabrieli
Tony & Charlene Galose
John & Carole Garchar
Randy & Char Gluck
Ken & Caroline Goldsboro
Dennis Golubic Jr.
John & Nancy Golubic
Rick and Holly Gozur
Jeff & Liz Grdic
Jack Grdic
Rick & Sheri Gregg
Allison & Jarett Grope
Susan Grove
Hadi Hadi
Jeff & Mary Hake
Jack Haplea
Gale Harr
Jim & Chris Hay
Steve Hixson/Second Sole
Len & Kathy Holman
Richard M. Holzschuh
Mark & Wanda Huberman
Mike and Michelle Ianazone
Tim & Jenny Jamison
Ed and Mary Ann Keifer
Scott & Linda Knox
Gary & Elaine Konya
Ron & Karen Kreps
Dick Lalumia
Al & Betsy Wester Lang
Gary and Marijo Lendak
Scott & Tricia Lenhart
Jim Linsley
Kay Lugibihl
Marinelli Family
Gianna and Anthony Rohan
Aaron Massey
Emily Fisher Mayhew
Jeff & Debi McLhinney
Debra Mettee
Jeff and Jen Mihok
Sara & Aaron Miller
Fred Mootz
Darlene Morris
Rusty Morrisroe
Judith E. Moschella
J.D. & Jean Mulichak
Douglas & Carolyn Nybell
John Pardee
Marty Parella
Jerry Pasquale Family
Robert Pavalko and Camryn
Bernie Pavlanksy
Christopher Peretti
Lisa Peretti
John, Katie, Leo, and Fiona Phillips
Phillip Pillin
Mark & Donna Popovec
Amy Radinovic
Lee Radler
Naomi Reich and Kent Madey
Larry Richards
Don Rodenbaugh
Deborah Roepke
Jennie Angel Ross
Daniel M. Rotunno
Mark & Alissa Sahli
R.S. Scarsella
Eric Simione
Elaine & Joe Simione
Mark & Nancy Stanko
Tony & Lisa Stilliana
Daniel & Patricia Suchora
Ben and Susan Sunderlin
Ed Swager
Sypert Family
Craig Tareshawty
Ted & Mary Lou Terlesky
Brian Terlesky
Bill & Nancy Terlesky
Bob & Kathy Testa
Ryan Theodore
Ken Tkatch
Larry Tracy
Robert Vaclav
David Vanaman
Patricia Veisz
Bill & Debbie Walcott
Anne Walston-Muir
Steve and Sally Warden
Todd Yallech
Peggy Yuhas
Tom Ziemianski